The non-governmental organization “Education Innovation Transfer Centre” was founded in 2009 with aim to gather international issues of education and make them more accessible to the Latvians as well as enhancing learning opportunities for everyone throughout life. This non-governmental organization brings together actors of all education levels – teachers, university lecturers, formal and non-formal adult education teachers, students of education science, researchers, as well as all levels learners, etc.
Therefore, the organization’s main focus is to promote international cooperation, creating networks for the identification of innovative experiences as well as the coordination of the cooperation, to promote the educational development projects. The organization is also engaged in other activities that promote educational innovation in the promotion and transfer:
- promotes the usage of modern educational technologies in the educational process,
- provides recommendations for educational development,
- forms the infrastructure for the practical implementation of educational research,
- carries out information activities in society as an educational innovation,
- organizes training courses for adults etc.
Sustainable Attitude For Environment in Adult Education (SAFE in AE)
01/09/2019 – 31/08/2021
Case study on sustainable atittude for environment in adult Education available
here:S.A.F.E case study in adult educatiuon
and: O2 – manual_final
Adult educators are key drivers for achieving social change in the world.
Six partners from Slovakia, Latvia, Sweden, Lithuania, Estonia and the Netherlands have started Erasmus+ Strategic partnership project „Sustainable Attitude For Environment in Adult Education“ (Agreement No. 2019-1-LT01-KA204-060634).
Project is aimed at developing and extending competencies for adults educators and staff who support adults in sustainability in a broad sense of challenges of environment and climate changes with a focus on less consumption, zerowaste movement, healthy lifestyle, influence of physical activity on the physical and mental health and quality of life, active citizenship.
More specific objectives of this project are the following:
1. To prepare manual for adult educators based on sustainable development goals which includes, among others, skills to lead a healthier life, knowledge about equitable and sustainable consumption, the promotion of gender equality, awareness about environmentally friendly transport and energy efficiency, as well as the promotion of sustainable, inclusive economic growth.
2. To provide material for adults learners aimed at raising their awareness on sustainable development ideas.
To achieve the objectives three main outputs are planned:
1. S.A.F.E (Sustainable Atittude For Environment) case study in adult education;
2. S.A.F.E manual for adult educators;
3. S.A.F.E material for adults.
The outputs are targeted at providing opportunities for adults educators to strengthen and improve their competencies in sustainability topic. Adult educators‘ daily work with adults in this topic will ensure development of the common quality of life and thus give social, economic and ecological benefits to the participating countries. It is expected that project will induce participants‘ deeper interest in one of the sustainable issues and, after a while, encourage them to active citizenship.
The project will contribute to strenthening international cooperation and experience on promoting sustainable development ideas. Project results are expected to bring a step further in the process of strengtening sustainability approach in partner countries as weel as in all Europe.
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