Meeting in Manchester, UK

Second meeting was held in UK, Linguistic Aid Kit, 28.07.2015.-01.08.2015.

During the meeting was discussed the progress made so far, set project’s midterm goals and developed strategies to meet these goals by the end of the project next September.

On Thursday, September 30, partners held a day-long language teaching workshop, involving numerous lively discussions, as well as two majorly interesting talks.

For the first talk, thanks to Mr James Miley, Chairman of the UK TaeKwon-Do federation, as well as instructor at TridentTKD Academy. Though his introduction was met with scepticism by our partners, as well as guests from our network of local language teachers, due to his very different background, his methodologies were soon warmly embraced by all. His hour-long talk concentrated on problems surrounding differentiation, motivation, recognition and adaptation. In addition, he involved our delegates in a fun exercise which taught them the importance of peer teaching, peer assessment and active involvement in the learning process. He made connections between the practices in teaching TaeKwon-Do and teaching languages, which everybody in the room found helpful and applicable in their practice.

Director Abboh Savchoff delivered a talk which escalated from general educational issues through new teaching approaches in linguistics, as well as in general, and ultimately focusing on the potential of technology to overcome some of the pressing issues when working alongside humans. This fostered several discussions concerning the relevance of project for the future of language education. Naturally, partners spent a lot of time talking about the methodology Toolkit.

Finally, two inspirational videos were played to emphasise the importance of creativity – in students as well as tutors – and adaptation to people and circumstances alike.

These videos were also of great value to our partners since they managed to place this project very precisely in the context of modern education.


AGENDA:  Agenda_UK



Active Learning
