No. 2017-1-RO01-KA201-037188
The aim of the curriculum:
To improve children’ behaviour, emotional and cognitive skills through art and drama activities, to increase their academic success.
Curriculum tasks:
1. To use drama and art for children social, emotional and physical development.
2. To help children of divorce to express themselves in a society, raise their self-esteem, share their feelings and express themselves freely, control their anger and to see that there are many people with the same problem.
3. To help children to achieve the goals of education and engage in classroom activities.
Target group:
• whose parents are divorced or separated
• who have emotional problems
• who have behaviour problems
• who have difficulty expressing feelings in words
• who are low academic achievers with low self-esteem and experience little school success
Activities more focused to children whose parents are divorced or separated, however they can also be used for children of other risk groups.
Methods used:
1. One to one interviews (counsellor and children).
2. Drama activities:
a) Pair activities,
b) Group activities,
c) Whole class activities,
d) Co-operative games.
3. Art activities:
a) Taking notes,
b) Brainstorming,
c) Observation,
d) Illustration,
e) Collage,
f) Emotional processing.
4. Discussion with usage of different strategies:
a) Open-ended statement,
b) Brainstorming,
c) Agree or disagree,
d) Circle work,
e) Sentence completion game,
f) Creating a collage.
5. Usage of photography.
6. Written activities:
a) Worksheets,
b) Questionnaires.
7. Counselling techniques:
a) Active listening,
b) Body language,
c) Interview,
d) Open question,
e) Close question.
Description of expected results:
1. Increased protective coping skills for children who have experience divorce or separation.
2. Improved children’ appropriate expression of emotions about their family situation and resulting transition.
3. Fostered positive self-esteem and resiliency in student.
4. Helped overcome feelings of isolation by realizing that there are also other families who are undergoing divorce.
5. Improved their social relationship and develop collaboration with their peers and adults: children are able to explain themselves, their feelings and thoughts in public freely.
6. Increased children motivation during classes and engage in classroom activities, lessons:
a) students create reachable future goals,
b) students promote critical thinking skills,
c) students have ability of completing a task.
Staff required for the implementation of the curriculum:
ICT teacher(s)
Art teacher(s)
Drama teacher(s)
Class teachers
Description of the content and implementation plan
Methodology for using art and drama method in work with students at risk