About project

During the COVID-19 lockdown, the project partners encountered a number of problems that limited full-fledged distance learning. For this reason, within the project, taking into account the teaching / learning experience, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of digital learning in the COVID-19 lockdown situation, research on digital learning and ICT usage in adult education will be carried out to identify problems emerging, that limited full-fledged distance learning. Towards a coherent enhancing digital learning and to exchange the adult educators experience local seminars-discussions will be organizes in all partner countries. Nordic-Baltic symposium will be held to bring together local and Nordic-Baltic issues related to digital learning and ICT usage in adult education as well as to disseminate the results of the project among the institutions involved in the adult education, exchange knowledge and experiences as well as to create new knowledge related to coherent implementation of digital learning and ICT in adult education.


Main result – Identified main directions for implementation of digital learning and ICT in adult education as the base for practical action to enhance digital learning in partner countries, taking into account local and regional context, as well as Recommendations for a coherent implementation of digital learning and ICT in adult education will be developed.

The project is implemented by non-governmental organisations from three countries:


Non-formal learning club WE, Lithuania



NGO More Mosaic, Sweden



Project duration – August, 2020 – May, 2021


Project budget – 10430 EUR.